Cold Email Marketing Strategies for Startups

July 19, 2022

Cold email is the most cost-effective way of getting your startup in front of your target audience. No one likes to receive cold email, however, a well crafted cold email can get a conversation started with your target ideal customer profile without picking up the phone or posting on social media.

The best cold email campaigns are targeted, personalized, and are scalable. In this article we are going to discuss the basics of cold email for your startup, including:

  • Why Startups Should Use Cold Email
  • Effective cold email elements
  • How to write a cold email

Why Startups Should Use Cold Email

Startups use cold email for many reasons:

  • Drive sales
  • Find customers and partners
  • Connect with influencers
  • Earn press
  • Find investors

Effective Cold Emails Elements

With that in mind, you can now focus on what elements you must include to craft an effective cold email.

Once you get this right, you can then shift your attention to the email copy. Pay special attention to these cold emailing for startups points if you want to convert your cold emails into paying customers:

1. All Messages are Personalized

Prospects don’t want to be marketed to, they want someone to speak to them, their problems, and their aspirations. The more personalized the emails are for each prospect, the better chance you have that your message will penetrate through the noise of other emails. Gather information about the prospect including their name, industry, needs, and company they work for, it pays off big time!

Anything relevant to the prospect and specific language they use in regards to the problem you solve for them will make your email more effective as well.

2. Provide Value

If your prospect doesn’t get value from your email, they will delete your email, or worse, mark it as spam. Prospects don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. You’re cold email could include a video, a tip, a specific problem+solution to that problem, or anything else that’s relevant to the prospect and is related to the problem you solve for them.

Research your prospect before you reach out to them. Tap into your current customer base and see why people like your prospects do business with you and what value they get from it to use in your startup’s cold email.

3. The Shorter the Better

Short and sweet is how all your cold emails need to be. If you can’t communicate your message in short, succinct language, you’re prospects will get bored and stop reading, or they will look at it like it’s more work and delete it before reading any of it.

Remove any technical jargon or unnecessary verbiage to shrink your content down to under a minute, according to Forbes.

4. Make the Prospect Interested

The goal of effective cold email copy is to capture the prospect’s interest in your startup, AND leave them wanting more. Your subject line opens the door, your email copy gets them to walk through it.

Don’t sell the prospect on your product, sell the next step. Get them to want to learn more about what you offer and how it can benefit them.

How to Write a Cold Email

When your startup is reaching out to other companies or potential customers for sales, you will face 3 scenarios:

  • Prospect is aware of the problem.
  • Prospect is aware of the problem, however, they’re using another solution.
  • Prospect is NOT aware of the problem

The second and third scenarios are the most prevalent. Its crucial that you research your prospect, making sure that your solution is the right fit to solve their problem

Effective cold emails should have:

  • Your real name and email address
  • Catchy subject line
  • Personalization
  • Specific asks and call-to-action
  • Compelling value proposition
  • Email signature with contact information

How to Start a Cold Email

Your startups cold email should start with an effective subject line. This bundle of text is what entices them to open your startup’s cold email.

Here are some tips on writing an effective cold email subject line:

  • Use the receiver's name.
  • Ask a question relevant to them.
  • Quote interesting and relevant statistics.
  • Mention a recent trigger event.
  • Short subject lines under 50characters.

Writing the Email Body

The only purpose of the email copy is to capture a prospect’s interest and convince them to take some specific action. To do this well, stick to the following rules:

  1. Keep it brief. Stick to the three-paragraph rule. Start with a short introduction, then your pitch, and end with a specific call to action
  2. Personalize the email as much as possible. The more relevant your message, the more you show you care about the prospect, the better chance you have of it being successful.
  3. Offer social proof. Show the customer that people like them have been successful with your help. Customer reviews, testimonials, case studies, and your portfolio of work are great ways to show a prospect that you know what you’re doing and you can do it for them.
  4. Call-to-action. Tell your prospects what the next steps are and ask them to take it. If you pitch your product and don’t ask for the next step, there’s a good chance that you won’t make it to the next step.


Short, targeted, and persuasive emails are a perfect for getting your startup’s message in front of the write people at scale. They show the prospect that how your startup can solve a specific problem or reach their goals.

They also help startups establish trust with their prospects, become thought leaders, and drive more revenue.

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